Contributors: Jay Sturwold, Randell Kemp and Ingrid Johnson

Industrial Project Innovation (IPI) has used best practice controls methods since its inception. We are client-focused in our project approach and practice clear communication throughout the construction management process. We understand the importance of sharing information in real-time and utilizing comprehensive reports so that the client can be an active participant in decision making at all phases. With this in mind, our team of industry experts developed the Visual Project Control (VPC) process so that all stakeholders involved with a project can obtain important knowledge about the overall situation at-a-glance.

The VPC overview comprises a mix of media boards and informational materials that showcase charts, graphs, matrices, and numerical metrics to compare an initial plan to actual results. It utilizes color schemes and symbols for status evaluation, and the work status is updated in real-time. It provides an accurate depiction of the current work status so that the team can find and understand issues, set countermeasure activities, and prevent recurrence. In addition, its purpose is to identify opportunities, apply resources, and continuously evolve and improve the manner in which we conduct business. The VPC process was founded on the principle that in order to achieve smooth project delivery our team must implement the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) and DST (Draw-See-Think) practices on rotation. It sets a standard for how we manage projects across the organization and provides our clients with an idea of what to expect when working with our team.

Industrial Project Innovation’s VPC process consists of several elements broken down below:

Foundation Workplace & Workspace

The IPI team applies the 5S Principle: sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. This principle is complemented with our Safe. Clean. Organized ™ standard and can be applied to any workplace environment.

Make a Plan

The IPI team is tasked with devising a clear plan that includes objectives, strategies, numerical metrics, and targets.


The IPI team must communicate the decided plan of action to all stakeholders involved in a project in a clear and concise manner. The communication should include reason so that team members accept and support the overall vision. It should also convey what metrics will be utilized to measure success.

Perform Analysis

The IPI team is responsible for the creation of charts, graphs, and numerical metrics as a means to manage project controls. The intent is to view important metrics ‘at-a-glance’ and be able to mitigate issues in an efficient manner.

Evaluate Analytics

In the evaluation of information presented in the VPC process the IPI team utilizes symbols to indicate areas that need immediate attention (i.e. on plan, behind plan with recovery, and behind plan with potential delay). Team members are also able to check previous and current trends and make future forecasts.

IPI’s Visual Project Control is an innovative and methodical process that was developed with the client in mind. Its robust capabilities will add value to the projects we manage through real time reporting and in-depth analytics, while the use of numerical markers and symbols will translate on a global scale. There are vast benefits to utilizing our VPC process as a means for project controls, but the most significant aspects are practicing transparent communication, focusing on performance, and allowing clients to be active and informed participants in their project so they are empowered to make decisions that will directly affect their businesses.