Toolbox Talk: Integrated Safety Filters

Contributor: David Lynn, CSP One of the biggest challenges in the safety world is that company leaders sometimes treat safety as an “activity” separate from the actual work task. Leaders can fail to realize that safety is a measure of work efficiency that requires problem solving filters that are integrated into every individual’s choice. To…

IPI Summer Internship Series: Featuring Daeonna Jackson

Industrial Project Innovation (IPI) is in the second month of this summer’s rotational internship program. It is open to college juniors and seniors in good academic standing who are pursuing degrees in construction, engineering or business management. The program facilitates valuable training that can be used throughout an intern’s career including 30 Hour OSHA Certification…

IPI Summer Internship Series: Featuring Cameron Krogstad

Industrial Project Innovation (IPI) introduced our rotational internship program last month. It is open to college juniors and seniors in good academic standing who are pursuing degrees in construction, engineering or business management. Generally, interns spend 2 to 3 months in the field gaining a first-hand account of construction operations followed up with important office…

IPI Leads Service Project at Phillis Wheatley Community Center in Greenville, SC

Industrial Project Innovation (IPI) spearheaded the effort to transform a vacant room within the Phillis Wheatley Community Center. The former shower space was transformed into a vibrant computer lab for its visitors. Our organization’s core values include ‘Family & Community’. Thus, our team participates in various volunteer efforts in the communities we do business in.…

IPI Summer Internship Series: Featuring Justin Kujath

Industrial Project Innovation (IPI) is pleased to introduce our rotational internship program. It is open to college juniors and seniors in good academic standing who are pursuing degrees in construction, engineering or business management. This is a one-of-a-kind, hands-on learning experience that is offered during the fall and spring semesters and summer break. Our interns…

Industrial Project Innovation Cares

ONLINE RESOURCES FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IPI holds our ‘Family and Community’ core value at the center of our work. We treat each other as family and view our clients and connections as members of our family as well. We understand that current events have caused difficulties and modifications in routine for all of…